Error trying to restore: "Backup files" "could not be found"
Here's a very strange error. My wife's windows 7 notebook died but we ran a windows full backup right before we wiped the drive and tried to rebuild it. That notebook is dead, however (video card failure). So we needed to get the data from the backup. Using a different Windows 7 machine, I'm trying to restore the data that was in that backup. I have not changed or modified the backup data (in the backup location - a network drive) in ANY way. Because the new machine name is different, I have to tell windows to "look for other backups..." and all that works fine. The problem is when I start trying to restore the data in that backup. Using almost every way of restoring the data, I get this error message before any files are restored: The restore did not complete successfully Restore encountered a problem while validating the zip file: \\?\UNC\armani\bd\BEBIS\Backup Set 2010-05-25 205021\Backup Files 2010-08-01 051110\Backup files The following file could not be found. Make sure the drive that the backup is saved on is attached or try to restore from a different backup. (0x8100001A) ("armani" is the system with the backup network drive, "bd" the backup folder, "BEBIS" the name of the old machine that died). I've manually inspected that folder and there is no "ZIP" file there and since I haven't changed anything in these backup folders, there must have never been any zip file. But why is Windows 7 even looking for a zip file? And why would a zip file cause the whole rest of the backup to be unrestorable??? Here's the really weird part - if I press the buttons "browse for files to restore" or do a "search" for files to restore, I am able to restore individual files - but not the folders. Also, I can't use the "restore to their original locations" option - I have to restore them to a specific, new folder. But Windows Restore has no trouble showing me the original locations when I'm browsing through them. For this reason, I can't imagine why Windows Restore would ____ out when whatever this zip file is, is missing...
August 22nd, 2010 6:24am

Hello, Thanks for the post! Your problem is similar with this thread . Please follow the steps there to see if the problems persists. Hope it works! Best Regards, Miya YaoThis posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. | Please remember to click "Mark as Answer" on the post that helps you, and to click "Unmark as Answer" if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
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August 25th, 2010 11:39am

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